Rotary Club of Chennai Info City - Rotary India

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About Us

Rotary club of Chennai Infocity was formed on June 2010.So we far we have 10 Presidents. We initially focussed on club membership and club strenth and slowly moved on to do big projects. 

Our flagship projects is the Para Badminton National Championship Tournment which we conduct every year for the differently abled. It is lauded in the district

During 2012-2013 Lattur Vilalge near Chennai was adopted under happy village project and 150 toiletes were constructed for the underpriviledged in that village.

A classroom was also built in an old school with the help of member of parliament fund

300 spectacles were donated to underprivileged children in Malaysia with a joint project with the Rotary club of Sentul which is  our sister club

A 33,000 USD literacy joint project was done in Rwanda under the train thetrianers program. Wher English was taught for trainers whoin turn  went into the villages to teach in teh school

Another 10 toilets were constructd for Secretariat colony matriculation school in Purasaiwakkam  in Chennai

Every year we conduct more than a dozen medical camps in the adopted slum of Sathyavanimuthu Nagar

More than 30 Cataract surgeries had been sponsored so far

Installationof dialysis machine C AARM and  OXIMETER in children’s hosptial Egmore. GLobal grand project 35500 USD

We Had Given Rs 60000 To a poor lady towards Purchase of Auto Under Pink Auto Scheme Including Training & Taking Licence was Undertaken

This year 33000 USD Spent for Establising Orange Eye Centre at Thiruvottriyur on 10-02-2022 PDG Muthupalaniappan & President Inagurated The Centre

we had also along with Dist co-ordinate & collect funds to Procure 107 nos TV Sets & Provide to Various Srilanka Refugee Camp Schools in the State

Donate 2 Nos Dialysis Machines & 1 No Auto is being Donated to Jain Medical Socity Kodambakkam